How To Attract Remote Workers To Your Company In 2023?

How to attract remote workers to your company in 2023? | bookafy


Remote work is no longer a dream to be had by a small pool of digital nomads circling the globe from Bali to Austin and beyond.

Now, remote work has become a new norm, much like life in general has become in so many ways.

In fact, 91 million Americans have been offered the option to work remotely or in a hybrid capacity just in 2022 alone.

To put that number more in perspective, 19.4 million people were working remotely pre-pandemic.

In other words, remote work opportunities are increasing and are here to stay.

But, how can companies set themselves up to attract remote team members? In a sea of other brands, how can an organization stand out?

If your company is ready to attract more remote workers, but you’re struggling to come up with a strategic plan on how to do it, we’ve got you covered.

In today’s article, we’re walking you through five easy steps to attract remote employees to your company in 2022.

Ready to learn more?

Let’s get started.

1. Create A Clear And Engaging Job Description 

Before you can start the process of attracting ideal candidates, it’s important to know who you’re looking for so you can tailor your job description accordingly.

Your goal? To make candidates feel like you’re speaking to them directly — as if the job was created, just for them.

Similar to how you create buyer personas for your business, start by creating an ideal employee persona:

  • What’s their name? 
  • What’s their current role?
  • Where do they work now? Or are they unemployed?
  • How long have they been in their current field?
  • What does their job history look like?
  • What traits do they have?
  • What’s their personality like?
  • How can their past experience help them thrive in this new role?
  • What’s their communication style like? 
  • What soft skills and hard skills do they have?
  • What are their short and long-term goals?
  • How will they behave and work on a daily basis if you hire them?
  • How do you envision them engaging with their work in their new role with you?

Then, write your job description keeping your persona in mind.

Keep the description clear and simple, but fun. Chances are, if the description is boring, the job will be, too, so be sure to use language that’s engaging and positive.

Here’s an example:

Instead of: “Looking for a highly skilled marketing executive.”

Try: “We’re on the hunt for someone who’s been head of marketing for the last five years or more. We love newbies, but this role has been designed for a marketing powerhouse that’s ready to take over our rebranding and our sister company’s rebranding completely. Experienced rebranding gurus only, please!” 

2. Use Design To Make Your Job Posts Pop

One way to pique the interest of potential remote workers is by making your job postings visually engaging.

Consider using online tools like a photo editor to edit or create high-quality images of your team, company features, or any relevant job role details you’d like to capture.

You can also take this tip up a notch by running paid ads and including social proof, like a quote from a happy employee. You can also shoot a video to help potential candidates get a closer look into your brand and company culture.

3. Offer Flexible Work Hours And Schedules

51% of onsite workers want to work remotely, and we can see why.

With the flexibility to work from home, it’s no secret that remote jobs tend to offer employees more autonomy and freedom.

That’s why it’s essential to offer candidates flexible work schedules such as remote evening jobs and/or the option to choose their own hours.

Otherwise, what are we really doing here? What other benefits can remote employees look forward to other than saving money on a commute (only to spend it later on higher water and electric bills at home)?

The ability to choose their own schedules is a highly competitive perk, so be sure to highlight it loud and clear when creating your job posts.

If you’re unable to offer full schedule autonomy, consider offering plenty of shift options, such as:

  • 7am to 4pm 
  • 8am to 5pm
  • 9am to 6pm
  • 11am to 8pm
  • 12pm to 9pm 
  • 1pm to 10pm 
  • 3pm to midnight 
  • 2am to 11am

4. Offer Creative Benefits Packages And Perks

To stand out from the crowd, you need a job offer that’s attractive and enticing.

So, what better way to sweeten the deal than to include creative benefits and perks?

What we mean by “creative” is something different than the usual.

Ideally, you’ll include benefits staples, such as:

  • Paid time off, sick time, and vacation time
  • Health insurance packages
  • Vision insurance packages 
  • Dental insurance packages

But you should also consider including against the grain additions, such as:

  • Gym membership
  • Personal trainer add-on
  • Nutrition support
  • Mental health and preventative health packages
  • Mental health education, training, and resources
  • Personal development and career development training
  • Comped lunch, snack, or beverage
  • Healthy bonuses
  • Spa, massage, and wellness credits
  • Tuition support
  • Comped laundry service

If you want to get even more creative, consider offering entertainment perks, such as paid internet and TV packages, a free Netflix and Hulu subscription, and discounts to local restaurants.

And speaking of Netflix, the movie streaming company, along with Google, Amazon, HubSpot, Starbucks, and Amazon all have some pretty creative benefits and perks — so be sure to give them a look for inspiration. 

5. Brag About Your Company (And Job Offer) On LinkedIn

If there’s ever been a place to brag about yourself, it’s on LinkedIn — also known as the platform that gives brands the permission to boast about their accomplishments and hiring needs.

So, give LinkedIn (and its users) what they want, and gush about how awesome you are.

For instance, instead of running a contest promo that runs for X days, consider running a hiring promo!

Spread your hiring promo over the course of a week or two, and allocate one of your hiring managers to run and track it.

During the promo, ask your hiring manager to stand guard, ready to answer any questions, comments, or direct messages about the job — ideally as soon as they come in, or as soon as possible.

When bragging about yourself on LinkedIn, be sure to include:

  • Who you are (company name, years in business, what you’re known for, what you sell)
  • Why you’re the bee’s knees (what benefits and perks you offer)
  • What makes you unique/stand out
  • Schedule autonomy/flexibility options
  • Meaningful work opportunities 
  • Exciting and positive company culture details 
  • Opportunities for advancement 
  • Additional reasons why you rock (three-day weekends, paid company retreats to exotic places, etc)
  • Payment and pay schedule 
  • Interview dates 
  • Job start date

To make the most of this tip, up your storytelling copy on each LinkedIn post. Remember, this is an ongoing “promo” — don’t just copy and paste your job posting on LinkedIn every day. Find creative ways to weave in storytelling and benefit ads.

Here’s an example of what we mean:

  • Promo Day 1: Tell your company story. Be sure to also include the “who you are” details listed in bullet one above. Bonus points for sharing this in video form!


  • Promo Day 2: Share three to five of your most beloved job perks and benefits. Bonus points for including an employee quote that raves about your perks.


  • Promo Day 3: Break down one of the core things that sets you apart using conversational storytelling.
  • Promo Day 4: Use Canva or hire a graphic designer to create a digital poster that highlights your top six most exciting and interesting company culture details.
  • Promo Day 5: Create a shameless bragging announcement, and list all of the additional reasons why you rock. Bonus points for including an image that depicts one of the reasons why you’re awesome (for instance, a photo of last year’s company trip to The Bahamas. 

Wrap Up 

Remote work has become a new norm, with nearly 100 million Americans receiving offers to work remotely part-time or full time in 2022 alone.

With a huge increase in opportunities, it’s no surprise that remote work is here to stay.

But, in a sea of competition, how can an organization differentiate itself enough to attract remote talent?

The key to successful hiring is understanding your target candidates’ desired skills, experiences, and personality traits. Once you have determined your hiring goals, you can tailor your job posting and hiring activities to match.

If you’re ready to hire remote employees, we hope today’s article has given you the strategy you need to see it through.

For good measure, here’s a quick recap of the steps we shared today:

1. Create a clear and engaging job description 

2. Use design to make your job posts pop 

3. Offer flexible work hours and schedules 

4. Offer creative benefits packages and perks

5. Brag about your company (and job offer) on LinkedIn

And that’s it for today.

Good luck with your search!

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