Keep Tabs On Your Co-Workers By Scheduling Using Bookafy

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Keep Tabs On Your Co-Workers By Scheduling Using Bookafy


Now that so much of the general workforce is working from home, using Bookafy to keep a tab on your co-workers is a great idea. Not only can you ensure that everyone is allocated the right tasks and is carrying out their work in the right way, but you can also maintain a true sense of productivity and the essence of a team, even if people are working separately from one another.

Yet, as might be expected, monitoring your co-workers and employees does come with some moral, ethical, and legal issues that you’ll need to be careful of. Read on to discover how Bookafy lets you keep a tab on your co-workers by using the scheduling system in the right way.


Don’t Let It Take Up Too Much Of Your Time

If you choose to monitor your co-workers, one of the most essential things to bear in mind is that, if you let it, this can take up a lot of your time. When you’ve got your own work to do and your own deadlines to adhere to, this can become problematic; spending too much time monitoring others could mean your productivity falls.


This is why it’s best to only check in from time to time and when it’s most important to know exactly what someone else is doing – or what the whole team is doing. Bookafy makes this an easy thing to do. With a few clicks, you can be aware of precisely what the rest of your co-workers are doing, which projects are almost complete, and who is free to take on more work. You don’t have to keep using up your own time to make sure everyone else is up to date.


Plus, Bookafy is automatically updated every time a change occurs. This means that when you use it to look at the scheduling, you’ll know it’s entirely current, enabling you to make plans regarding your co-workers and any new projects you might need them to tackle. You can even do this ‘on the move’ since Bookafy has a smartphone app and isn’t just web-based. 

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Don’t Make It A Secret

When you’re monitoring other people you work with or who work for you, don’t try to keep it a secret. This will foster a sense of mistrust and could even mean some workers no longer want to work in your team. Think about how you would feel if you discovered that someone was secretly monitoring your work; it’s unlikely you would be happy about it.


Using Bookafy as your scheduling tool and being able to keep tabs on your co-workers means that everyone is in the loop. Rather than secretly checking in, feeling bad, and worrying your team, when you have Bookafy for everyone to use, the fact that their current workload, their schedule, even their location is on show won’t be a secret. Instead, it’s something that everyone is aware of and can use in any way they need to, whether it’s because they want to call a meeting and need to know when the team is free, or because they have work to allocate, or even if they need to switch team members from project to project.


Being open and honest in business is crucial, and that doesn’t just mean with your customers and clients. If you want to build a successful team, honesty is vital. Bookafy makes everything clear and straightforward, and it’s easy to get a complete overview of the entire business. Plus, if you ever need help with the app you are provided with phone and email customer service options..


Use The Information Wisely

If you use Bookafy to monitor your co-workers and keep tabs on their productivity, make sure you use the information you find wisely. You’ll be able to see where the strengths and weaknesses lie within the business, and, using this knowledge, you can build better teams for the future.


Bookafy allows you to change schedules and update projects quickly and easily, and its low subscription rate means that when you are changing things around to make a specific project or your entire business stronger and more successful, you will recoup any money you spend on the Bookafy app. When you use the information you discover to make positive changes, your business will grow.


Seeing what people are doing and how they are working doesn’t just help in the here and now; it also means that you can create better teams in the future. You’ll know who will work best with whom, what skills each person has, and how productive they are together and apart.


Plus, if you can see that a co-worker is struggling in some way because you are privy to Bookafy’s scheduling system, you can speak to them about it. Simply being asked if everything is okay and whether or not they need any help can make all the difference, and without Bookafy to give you an idea of who might need this boost, you might never know.


Use Bookafy For Scheduling

It should be clear by now that Bookafy is the ideal piece of scheduling software for your business. It means that you can always have a clear view of precisely what your team is doing and how they are working, enabling you to understand more about each team member. It means that scheduling new work becomes a quick and easy task because you’ll always know just who is available and who is still working on another project. When you’re not overloading your co-workers with additional assignments, and you can spread the work out more fairly, everyone is happy.


Keep tabs on your co-workers by scheduling using bookafy | bookafy


Over 25,000 different businesses around the world use Bookafy, and it’s no wonder. With remote working becoming the norm, being able to continue to monitor your team for productivity and overall performance is crucial; this app will allow you to do just that.



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