10+ Lead Generation Tips to Provide Your Sales Team With More Leads

10+ lead generation tips to provide your sales team with more leads | bookafy


10+ Lead Generation Tips to Provide Your Sales Team With More Leads

If you’re in the B2B industry, lead generation is one of the most important things that you have to get right. Think about it: the moment you start struggling with lead generation, your leads start to dry up, and this will impact your sales cycle, which hurts your cash flow.

To help you along, we’ve put together a list of 10+ lead generation tips that you can use to improve your current efforts and provide your sales team with more leads. Let’s jump right in!

#1: Know what you want to achieve

Top on our list of lead generation tips is… to start with the basics.

First, come up with a clear marketing and sales plan. You should have an overarching goal/aim, and smaller goals or milestones that you want to hit throughout the year.

On top of that, it pays off when you have clear team management as well. Make sure everyone knows who they’re reporting to and who they can reach out to if they’re having any difficulty in their roles, and assign a specific KPI to everyone in your team.

#2: Add a CTA on your social posts

Chances are, you already make use of LinkedIn to generate leads for your company. To get the most out of your social media strategy, make sure you add a Call To Action (CTA) on each of your LinkedIn posts.

For best results, make sure you’re offering something of value in your CTA, so that you incentivize potential prospects to click through and take action.

For instance, “Click here and enter code:LINKEDIN for a free 7-day trial” will work much better than “Sign up for our newsletter” or “Click here to join our upcoming webinar”.

Or, you can use a “Book a Call” button directly on any of the social platforms… Ofcourse, this is a great time to use an online appointment booking platform. Here are a few other lead generation strategies for social media.

#3: Add a CTA in your email signature

Running in the same vein, it’s also a good idea to add a CTA in your email signature.

Again, be sure to offer something of value here, for instance:

  • Sign up for a free trial
  • Sign up for a product demo
  • Sign up for a free consultation

If you’re asking your prospect to do something that involves your time (eg sign up for a product demo or consultation), consider sending them directly to a Bookafy link, instead of getting them to fill in a form with their details.

With the Bookafy link, they can book your time (or your colleague’s time) immediately – this reduces the friction involved in the process. 

#4: Add live chat to your site

Live chat is quick, it’s convenient, and it can help you in both lead generation and lead distribution in your company.

The numbers don’t lie: according to Forrester, live chat leads to a 40% increase in conversion rate, with a 10% increase in the average order value from customers who engaged in live chat before making a purchase.

Check out this list of top 20 live chat solutions to explore your options, and read this article on reusing your responses in live chat to streamline your processes.

#5: Add a chatbot to your site

In many ways, chatbots bring you the same benefits that live chat does.

The difference between live chat and chatbots, though, is that with a chatbot, you’re relying on algorithms to do all the work – there’s no one sitting on the other side of the line, manually chatting with the prospect/customer.

Chatbots can be used to achieve many different things, including generating leads, engaging existing customers, and answering customer inquiries. For those interested in using chatbots to generate more leads, check out these solutions:

  • Tidio
  • Instabot.io
  • Drift

PS: According to Instabot.io, their clients have generated up to 33% more leads, just by adding a chatbot to their website. 

#6: A/B test your website

Is your website perfectly optimized to generate leads? Unless you’ve designed your website with the help of a conversion rate expert, the answer is probably no.

With this in mind, it’s good practice to routinely A/B test your site, so you can figure out where you should improve.

Here are some tests you can run:

  • Test your hero image / banner
  • Test using a static image vs animation vs video
  • Test your headlines
  • Test your website copy
  • Test your CTA button: the text, the size of the buttons, the color of the buttons

Also, use tools that enable you to analyze customer’s behaviour across your sites and apps. With solutions like LiveSession or Hotjar you can record how users interact with your website to better understand your audience, improve the conversion rate, provide better support or debug your application.

#7: Figure out who’s visited your site

So let’s say you’ve been A/B testing your website, and tweaking it so that it’s optimized.

Here’s a not-so-fun fact: even if you’re in the top 10% of best-performing websites, your landing pages will only convert at 11.45% or so. This means that ~89% of your visitors will still churn from your site, which means that all the traffic you’ve painstakingly acquired is going down the drain.

Thankfully, there’s an easy fix to this. Simply install a tool like Albacross on your site, and you’ll be able to track everyone who’s visited your site (and reach out to them to try and convert them as a prospect).

This widens your pool of potential prospects, and allows you to generate more leads.

#8: Level up your cold emails

Some marketers adamantly believe that cold emails don’t work, but that’s not true.

When done right, cold emails can be insanely effective. For inspiration, check out these 9 cold email case studies with great reply rates.

Here are some quick pointers on how you can improve your cold emails:

  • Personalize your emails
  • Use a conversational tone
  • Make it about your prospect – tell them what you can do for them
  • Use social proof – cite companies (similar to your prospect’s) that you’ve worked with
  • Use an email warm up service to avoid landing in spam”

#9: Use gated content

If you’re unfamiliar with this term, gated content refers to content that requires a user to fill in the information (such as their name, email address, job title, etc) before they can view said content. Using short online quizzes, forms, or surveys is a great way to collect that information.

From there, the company may add the user to their mailing list, or reach out to the user to promote their products/services further down the road.

Pro-tip: Instead of asking for your user’s contact information right away, allow them to read a snippet of your content before restricting the rest. (For an idea of how this looks like, check out Mark Manson’s articles).

Here, you’re whetting your prospect’s appetite, and giving them a sneak peak of what’s to come. Assuming your content is well-written and relevant to your prospect, this should help you to increase your conversion rates. 

#10: Ask existing customers for referrals

If your existing customers like your product and your service, chances are they’ll be happy to refer you to their friends or colleagues. So check in with them regularly, and actively ask them for referrals. In addition, reward customers for successful referrals. This way,  you can actively promote your business, leading to a wider customer base and increased growth.

A word of caution: this may backfire if your customers aren’t satisfied with your product/service to begin with. To make sure this doesn’t happen, make sure you prioritize your customers and adopt the right communication methodologies when speaking with them.

#11: Use call center system

According to the Salespeople Perceptions and Top Performance Study by Marc Wayshark, 41.2% of salespeople say their phone is the most effective sales tool at their disposal and it makes it easier for them to work with leads.

So, if you want to not only provide your salespeople with leads but also make it a breeze for them to cold call and convert these contacts into happy customers, give them the right tools. Outbound call center software like CloudTalk will help them reach out to leads quickly and manage communication experience better. Your sales reps can forget about tedious, manual tasks and focus on what they do best – closing deals.

BONUS Tip: Keep following up

To end off our list of lead generation tips, here’s a bonus tip for you: keep following up!

This tip applies to both marketers and sales reps. If you’re a marketer who’s running a cold email campaign, keep following up with your prospects, even if you don’t hear back from them.

If you’re a sales rep who’s trying to reach out to a lead, the same thing goes – keep following up, even if they don’t reply to you initially. 92% of sales reps give up after the fourth call, but 80% of prospects say no four times before they say yes.

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