11 Tips For Running And Making Money Off Your Podcast

11 tips for running and making money off your podcast | bookafy


There’s no question that podcasts are becoming more and more popular. In fact, according to a recent report from Edison Research, 64 million Americans listen to podcasts each month.

If you’re thinking about starting a podcast, or if you already have a podcast but want to make it more successful, there are certain things you can do to increase your chances of success. In this article, we’ll share 13 tips for running and making money from your podcast.

Create High-Quality Content

This should go without saying, but your podcast needs to have high-quality content in order to be successful. Each and every episode should add value for your listeners. If you are putting out subpar content, people are not going to stick around for long.

Take the time to plan and prepare for each episode so that you can ensure that you are putting out the best content possible. Alternatively, if you either don’t know how to get started or can’t juggle all the many facets of podcasting, there is always professional podcast help.

It’s also important to make sure that you are offering people something they are not going to get elsewhere. Having a clear value proposition is a vital part of podcasting. It can either be implicit or explicit, but make sure that your listeners know what they are going to get by tuning in to your show.

Have A Clear & Defined Purpose For Your Podcast

The problem that a lot of podcasts have is that they are not specific enough. They are either all over the place, or they are too niche and don’t have a large enough audience to be successful. When you are starting a podcast, you need to have a clear and defined purpose for it. What is your podcast going to be about? Who is your target audience? What do you hope to accomplish with your podcast? Once you have answers to these questions, you will be well on your way to creating a successful podcast.

Keep Your Episodes Short & Sweet

The average attention span of a human being is only about eight seconds. This means that you need to make sure that your episodes are short and sweet. The last thing you want is for your listeners to lose interest and stop listening. Keep your episodes under 30 minutes and make sure that they are packed with value.

If you feel like you are having to rush through content in order to hit that 30-minute limit, consider breaking an episode into multiple parts or releasing shorter episodes more frequently.

Invest In Quality Equipment

Investing in quality equipment is one of the most important things that you can do to set your podcast up for success. If your audio sounds like it was recorded in a garage, chances are people are not going to stick around for long. There are a lot of great microphones and recording software programs out there that are relatively affordable. Do some research and find the best equipment that you can within your budget.

If you are doing a video podcast, you need to make sure that you have a good-quality camera as well. Again, there are a lot of great options out there that won’t break the bank. Lighting is also of the utmost importance. One of the things that really sets out something that looks professional from something that comes off very amateur is the lighting.

Find The Right Format For Your Podcast

There are a lot of different ways that you can format your podcast. You need to find the right format for your show in order to keep people engaged. Some popular formats include interviews, roundtable discussions, solo shows, and co-hosted shows.

A good way to determine which format works best for your content and style is to sit down and brainstorm with your co-host or team. If you are doing a solo show, try a few different formats and see which one you are most comfortable with. The most important thing is that you find a format that works for you and stick with it.

Be Consistent

One of the keys to being successful with podcasting is consistency. You need to be putting out new episodes on a regular basis if you want people to keep coming back. Having said that, it is better to release shorter episodes more frequently than it is to go for long periods of time without releasing anything new.

It is also important to be consistent with the format, length, and quality of your episodes. If people know what they are going to get each time they tune in, they are more likely to become regulars. Consistency is key when it comes to keeping people engaged with your podcast.

Engage With Your Audience

Another important thing to remember is that you need to engage with your audience if you want to keep them coming back. There are a lot of different ways that you can do this. You can interact with listeners through social media – especially LinkedIn, take questions from them during episodes, and even give shoutouts to people who are supporting your show.

Engaging with your audience is a great way to build a relationship with them and keep them coming back for more. It also gives you the opportunity to get feedback about your show so that you can continue to improve and grow.

Invest In Quality Editing

Investing in quality editing is just as important as investing in quality equipment. Even if you have the best microphone, recording and editing software money can buy, your podcast will still sound terrible if it is not edited well. A good editor will be able to clean up your audio, remove any background noise, and make sure that your episodes are the best they can be.

Investing in quality editing will make a big difference in how your podcast sounds and how professional it comes across. It is worth the money to hire a good editor, especially if you are serious about making your podcast a success.

Invest In Promoting Your Podcast

Just like with any other business, you need to invest in promoting your podcast if you want it to be successful. There are a lot of different ways that you can promote your show. You can submit it to directories, run ads, and even reach out to influencers in your niche.

Investing in promotion is important because it will help you reach a wider audience and grow your show. It can be costly, but it is worth it if you want your podcast to be successful. Here are other ideas on how to invest money aside from promoting your podcasts.

Edit Your Episodes For Clarity And Conciseness

When you are editing your episodes, it is important to keep clarity and conciseness in mind. You want listeners to be able to understand what you are saying and follow along easily. If your episodes are full of long pauses, rambling, or tangents, it will be hard for people to stay engaged.

It is also important to make sure that your episodes are concise. People have short attention spans and they are not likely to stick around for an hour-long episode if they can help it. If you can keep your episodes under 30 minutes, you will have a much better chance of holding people’s attention.

Promote Your Podcast Across Multiple Channels

Very likely, you aren’t just running a podcast, but also a website and various social media channels. Any time you release a new episode, cross-market it using everything you’ve got. Share the episode on your website, social media, and anywhere else you can think of. Make sure you’re using the right hashtags and targeting the right channels.

The more places people can find your podcast, the better. You never know where someone is going to stumble across it and decide to become a fan. Make sure that you are promoting your show in as many places as possible to give it the best chance of success.


By following these tips, you will be well on your way to creating a successful podcast that people will love. Remember to be consistent, invest in quality, and promote your show across multiple channels. If you do all of these things, you are sure to find success.

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