Why Flyers Are Powerful Marketing Tools And How To Post Them Legally?

Why flyers are powerful marketing tools and how to post them legally? | bookafy


It’s not just Alex though. 80% of business owners claim that print advertisements helped them stand out. Now, this may sound a little odd for business owners who hear their peers say that digital is the way to go. But numbers don’t lie. Print is very much alive!

Though not viewed as a sophisticated way of marketing, the humble flyer can still bring in revenues. Sure, there are plenty of things to like about digital.

Digital marketing is cheaper, and often free. Creating business pages on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter is free, even if you need to buy Instagram followers. So, why would someone pay to create flyers? Well, because they work wonderfully.

Even modern businesses can fuel their marketing efforts with flyer marketing. Flyer marketing is old, but it has aged like fine wine. Let’s talk about what makes flyers a powerful marketing tool for businesses.

What Makes Flyers Powerful?

Marketers have relied on flyers for centuries. They stood the test of time and matched the performance of a ton of innovative marketing techniques. From yoga instructors to manufacturers, everybody could use a piece of paper filled with creative graphics.

There are several reasons why businesses are reluctant to shelve their flyer strategy. This article talks about a few of them and highlights how flyers are still one of the most powerful marketing assets.

1. Low-cost marketing

Flyers won’t break your bank. For those considering redesigning their website, renting a billboard, or offloading a truckload of cash on offline media, flyers are worth considering. For instance, Helloprint’s flyer printing service is a great option for someone who needs low-cost flyers on demand.  Another tool is Wepik flyer maker or BrandCrowd’s flyer maker where you can pick a flyer template to customize.

They’re not only cheaper but also generate better ROIs. Research by the Data and Marketing Association (DMA) shows that 48% of consumers that received a flyer through their door visited the shop, showed interest in getting more information, or made a purchase.

Essentially, flyers give businesses the dual benefits of cost-effectiveness and greater ROIs. Speaking financially, this translates to lower expenses and a higher bottom-line on the income statement. Good deal, right?

2. All-purpose marketing tool

Flyers are an all-purpose, industry-agnostic marketing tool. They are good for relaying all sorts of messages to the target audience.

Want to invite people to a new branch? Yes. Need to share a new product with the target audience? Aha. Want to run a brand awareness campaign? You got it! You can even create flyers online on tools like Canva and share them using social media automation tools. If Instagram is your platform get some likes initially to boost awareness and build credibility.

Flyers check all boxes that a business needs for everything marketing. They should remain on the radar of all marketers that are planning almost any type of marketing campaign. Flyers can also effectively track the effectiveness of campaigns, so marketers can use the data as feedback for future campaigns.

Speaking of tracking the effectiveness…

3. Track effectiveness of flyer marketing

Many business owners perceive flyer marketing as a one-and-done technique that lacks a feedback mechanism. But that’s untrue.

Analytics is big in the digital marketing world, but businesses can also tie analytics to their flyer marketing campaigns. Marketing with flyers can also produce valuable data to draw insights from.

However, the mechanism is a tad different from how things work in the digital marketing world. Instead of directly looking at the landing page traffic or email subscriptions, tracking performance for offline marketing campaigns requires a different strategy.

For instance, tagging the marketing asset with something that will tick the audience into engaging with the brand online.

Businesses can create QR codes and coupon codes along with their flyers to link consumers to their promotional content, online stores, or contest registration. This way, businesses can track how effectively the flyers are spreading the word and optimize the next batch accordingly.

4. Flyers are attention grabbers

Whether handing flyers out on the street or pinning them to the notice board in the cafeteria, flyers can turn heads everywhere.

A lot of the marketing simply gets overlooked because it lacks appeal. Flyers, when designed the right way, can grab attention from everyone that passes by.

The key, though, is the design. This might make marketers wonder if hiring a designer will involve handing out big paychecks to a graphic designer. Well, not really.

Hiring an all-around flyer printing service to create a flyer design means that businesses don’t need to worry about the nuances. They pay the money and wait for the magical papers to land on the office table.

Hiring the right service translates to a no-fuss flyer marketing campaign that’s designed to outshine everything it’s surrounded by.

5. Meet the audience where they hang out

Flyers turn into a high-impact marketing tool when they are placed where the audience can see them or handed out personally to the target audience. For instance, handing out a yoga instructor’s flyers near a weight loss clinic’s premises might get the instructor some hot leads.

What’s more, if the hot lead pins the flyer to their refrigerator, their friends and family might see it and find it interesting too.

While the flyers are in printing, spend some time strategizing where the flyers should be distributed or pinned for maximum impact. Ask the local businesses, cafés, or schools to seek their permission for placing flyers on the notice board. Most won’t have a problem as long as the flyers are relevant.

Again, design plays a big role here. The design still needs to be appealing enough to grab a passerby’s attention. So, a good combination of targeted flyer distribution and top-notch design are key factors in creating an effective and impactful flyer marketing campaign.

But there’s a caveat. Marketers can’t just get up one morning and start willy-nilly posting flyers around town.

How To Post Flyers Legally?

Laws are different for every state and country, but there are a few general practices you can follow to ensure you’re never crossing the legal boundaries.

It’s not just about the law, though. Posting flyers without any consideration to the property you’re posting on can also degrade the business’s brand value.

Following are the things that must be top-of-mind for marketers as they go on a flyer-posting spree.

1. If the property is private, ask for permission

Most picture a house when thinking about private properties. But it’s not just the walls of a house. Private property also includes cars, retail stores, and gated residential societies.

Putting flyers on them without permission can sometimes lead to legal trouble, and cause some attrition towards the advertised brand. In case there’s no good way to determine if a place is appropriate for posting a flyer, it’s best to ask.

2. Be respectful

Some locations are a go-to for posting flyers. They allow businesses to put their flyers without having to seek permission. For example, a lot of college campuses are excellent places to go flyer posting.

Even though it’s easy to overlook, there are still rules. For instance, you can’t enter a college campus and post a flyer on the right thigh of the center statue. That’s not just bad manners, it can also be illegal in some cases.

It’s important to realize which locations on the campus are off-limits so you don’t end up paying a hefty penalty.

3. Check in with the local government

For those who aren’t familiar with the local laws, it’s best to speak with the local government to see where you’re allowed to post flyers without getting into legal hot water.

Getting information is good practice because of two things. One, laws differ state-wise. Two, there’s generally a small gap between what the law technically says and what’s enforced.

For instance, using staples to post flyers could technically get you in trouble for damaging public property.

But will you? No one knows.

Marketers also need to get clarity on anti-littering laws. It’s also helpful to know about what inflammatory content means so you can keep your content clean and legal.

Fly With Flyers

Flyers can, quite literally, give business wings. Now is as good a time as any to fly with flyers for businesses that haven’t capitalized on the age-old marketing technique.

Having the right service partner is key, of course. So before jumping the gun, be sure to find a service that can create compelling graphics and print them on high-quality paper—don’t skimp out on paper and put branding on what will look like junk mail.

There are multiple benefits of flyer marketing. They’ll likely sway any serious marketer into flyering, or at least get their train of thought going in the right direction.

With low costs and mouth-watering ROIs, it’s certainly a worthy place to put money in. Get started and find out how flyering can give your brand the wings it needs.

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